That which threatens innocence is the bane of any civilized human society. G'd shows us signs of His Mercy even in the animal kingdom where creatures considered 'wild' by standards of human society will demonstrate care for their offspring, and will often risk their own lives to predators, in the interest of protecting the welfare of their young.

The leadership of the Vatican is well-known for its good interests. We, as Muslims and fellow believers in the One G'd, witness the assault of devilish schemes on the integrity of Catholic leadership institutions. We are saddened and feel the attack on religion and faith communities in general. Our religion, Islam, has also been associated with inhumane behaviors, and we Muslims have appreciated those in other faith communities who recognize the scheme against the G'd-fearing. As faith communities we have areas of difference, but we are and must be united against those forces which want to drag our humanity to hell and its punishments.

We commend Pope Francis and the effort he is leading with the cooperation of tech-industry leaders in addressing the problem of child pornography and the access that children have to pornography via the internet. This entire enterprise is the culture of predatory evil. We stand with all Catholic communities in America and pledge all of our moral resources to the best possible legal and social remedies in protecting our children's innocence in all places, at all times, with all well-meaning people.