Originally posted 11/26/2019

IMAM IBRAHIM EL-AMIN: As-Salaam Alaikum Brother Imam. I do not like to talk about this subject and it is only with a great deal of reservation that I do so in a public setting. The insight you've given regarding the circumstances of your incarceration and the Qur'an Story of Joseph has been especially useful to me in understanding our present situation. The Bible often paints a picture of the prophets, or human leadership types, that is a sinful image. However, as Imam W. Deen Mohammed explained, that picture isn't a correct picture of those leaders, but of the condition of their people.

Shouldn't we also see that your imprisonment, the result of a falsehood, is an indication of our condition at this very moment?

IMAM EARL ABDULMALIK MOHAMMED: This is a complex question you are asking. It requires more attention to it than I can give here that I think would be of benefit to those who are interested in such a question and the answer. I thank you for the question because of its insight into several pressing issues for our community of Muslims in America. Your question asks about many problems at once, as the story of Joseph in the Holy Qur'an addresses many competing and conflicting problems all in one narrative, or story. I think it is probably obvious to those who have paid attention to the work I have done since being in prison that I have done this work in the interest of obeying what I understand to have been the aim and intentions of our late leader, Imam W. Deen Mohammed, for his following -the ones I refer to as the People of W. Deen Mohammed.

I do not prefer to repeat words that are words of habit that lose their meanings in the habit in referring to him or his People. I am being very deliberate in what I am saying, and thoughtful persons will understand what I mean. It should be said that I obey him, and my actions are those of obedience. In my demonstrating obedience to his teaching, I am making the statement that his way is my way. The more I demonstrate that obedience in public teaching and emphasis, the more his leadership is well-known and established in this present time, even with him not physically with us. The more I address our problems in the way he would, speaking as he would, using his language and reasoning, the stronger his leadership becomes again among us. It should be no more a mystery that those who continue to promote the notion that there is no national leadership for our group to be seen in one person are in fact saying that they are done with Imam W. Deen Mohammed as leader and done with his influence. This is what they wanted to do when he was alive, but they could not pull the people's support from him. I am not the only leader who was seeing this or interested in the implications of this. Many saw it or felt it, but did not understand fully what they were seeing or what to do about it. They were fearful. They were constrained. They were placed in a dry well. They were imprisoned. My condition as physically being in the federal prison of the United States, and suffering these conditions, is nothing more than a metaphor for the condition of the collective consciousness our whole people.

I know there are many who have thought deeply on why our community is declining. It is that honesty in our collective spiritual nature and moral nature as a group that has manifest in me to speak to it and lead now. It is our collective soul that is experiencing it, and I speak for it in one essential call to our People. We are not established upon Prophet Muhammed's Sunnah unless we love him and obey him to the point that we do not want to separate ourselves from his way in anything that we are doing or thinking as Muslims. This is what it means that we follow his Sunnah. So, it is a sensitivity in the international following of the Prophet to be concerned for the tribulations of the ummah, and it is registered in all of us in varying ways. So, what I am saying is that there are many ways to understand our predicament as a People. And there are many who are speaking to that predicament in honest, straight-forward ways. They are speaking from the honesty of that which is a demand in them rising up from the need in their souls for an answer. However, it is well-known that Imam Mohammed chose one to speak for him from among his following. He selected one from the many. And now that one has come to the awareness of duty and been given the clarity of understanding and speech in a time of difficulty for his People and society.

As I said this is a complex matter, so I will only address here and now what I think is the central component of it. I plan, insha-Allah, to address these matters in greater detail once I am released from prison in major addresses throughout this country. As you know, we are planning this now and I feel certain that our message and leadership will continue to earn support and gain positive attention. Already, we have seen that literally thousands are paying attention, and this in and of itself could not be possible except that Allah has blessed what we are doing.

So, I would like to focus on something in particular here. The religion of al-Islam places emphasis on the sanctity and nature of individual human beings, drawing attention to the needs and aspirations of that individual, and working to establish an environment that favors the development of that human individual in all of his and her intelligent pursuits and interests. Mankind, according to the Holy Qur'an teaching and Prophet Muhammed's teaching, begins with an interest in one human entity, Adam. And then Adam and his mate, and then the multitudes of the human community. And Allah says that the life and resurrection of that life are as a single soul. From that individual is established that mankind is essentially one, human type. No matter what groups we may form ourselves into or we become associated with, to make an effective appeal for progress, a message must address the needs of that essential human type. And that message must address how to establish that essential human type in the role that Allah intends.

The question that puzzled the ruler in the Holy Qur'an story of Joseph and his brothers, was a question of sustained productivity and prosperity for society. He wanted to understand the science of human society and what feeds and secures the pattern of healthy and sustained growth through all periods of plenty and also decline. This problem is at the center of human existence, and those responsible for the security and well-being of human populations are always thinking on it. Some of them have schemes to deal with it with selfish intent. Their schemes attempt to control and manipulate their masses, directing and coercing them to an outcome that perpetually favors their elite few. The ancient societies of Rome and Egypt are well-known for their schemes to control their masses. The ancient Egyptians understood one key to control to be mass employment, so they kept their masses at constant work building monuments. The ancient Romans understood one key to be mass entertainment or mass stimuli, so they created and incited public spectacles to appeal to the sensory pleasures of their populations. These are not all of their schemes, but these are the most obvious. Others are very subtle. We can also determine by observation what modern society and modern rulers think about the ancient schemes of Rome and Egypt. It is clear that modern society borrows from their ancient schemes in so many ways.

In the interest of brevity I want to go right to the main point here. Joseph, peace be on him, understood that if you bring clear attention and respect to the human individual's natural inclination to perform for his own good interests upon the pattern that G'd intended for all human beings in their inherent role, then he in turn would be a productive citizen and serve the prosperity of society. Joseph advised the preservation of the essential human life, and promoting the nutrients that would feed and inspire that life, not to manipulate it but to free it. This is why he saw in the dream of his fellow prisoner that he would pour wine for the Ruler. Wine is a stimulant, and in this understanding is a message to the Ruler that if you free and excite the human individual with that which explains and respects his natural honor, and make that a policy of general interest toward your public, then you can ward off the threat and the effects of the unpredictable fluctuations in the moral economy of competing human interests.

This is the answer and this is our public strategy. It is no secret plot of the worship of sacred cows and their psychological schemes of seven notes wherein they communicate with each other and only those in their Order know the code, consuming each other in an ongoing, generational perpetual plot of control of our masses for their interests. Go find that one that has a mountain of tapes and videos of the wizard clan and you will find the sickest among us. Then, find that one that is feeding on Imam W. Deen Mohammed's teachings and the representation of that by the one he chose to succeed him and you will find the healthiest. This group that long opposed Imam W. Deen Mohammed's leadership, challenging it by consistently refusing support of his programs and resisting his language of instruction and emphasis, created for themselves a leadership Order that imprisoned all of those who could see them and detected something wrong. They created a language code of oppression and its signal was: "There is no leader after Imam W. Deen Mohammed." All of those who rushed to that call were infected by the poisons of an ancient scheme. Our Muslim society was poisoned, and now because of a fresh, living, new teaching they are finally beginning to spit up the poison. They are throwing it up and slowly waking out of the intoxicated, poisoned stupor they have been in for a decade.

I ask, do these who have mixed the poison and distributed it and encouraged our People to drink it, think that Allah would not intervene and save the innocent? Jacob said to his scheming, pitiful, sons "I know from Allah that which you do not know."

My release from prison is imminent, by Allah's Hand. Those in the establishment that know Joseph, know where he belongs. Those in the establishment that know Imam W. Deen Mohammed and his People, know Imam Earl Abdulmalik Mohammed, who he is, and where he belongs.