I am aware of the existence of the secret groups among us. Of course Imam W. Deen Mohammed mentioned them many times and their strategies against him. He mentioned how they are formed and how they operate and how they are identified. They are in place now and have been operating with impunity among us since our Imam's passing.

They certainly wanted to prevent any claim or argument that Imam Mohammed's leadership would be succeeded. They did not predict me. They say "We don't need a new leader." I am no new leader. I never said I was the new leader. What I say is that I am the next leader in the line of our Tradition. I have no new agenda and no new vision. I have THE vision. I am wearing on my eyes Imam W. Deen Mohammed's eyeglasses. Imam W. Deen Mohammed constantly spoke to us about the "next leader," meaning the one to succeed him.

Eyes are clearing from the dust storm the Schemers created. Many are seeing much, much better and are coming to an informed conclusion about Imam W. Deen Mohammed's successor in truth. These secret groups have coded language and coded names and coded behavior. We know they do not obey the teachings of Islam though they identify as Muslims. They are infiltrators of all the heavenly religions, causing trouble and creating mischief for the followers of the Messengers and Prophets of G'd.

Those who meet in private so as to protect their good works are not secret organizations. They meet in private because they are oppressed, and they realize to meet in public will put their lives and commitments to make necessary improvements in the society at risk. This is mentioned in the Holy Qur'an. And we know this was addressed by the Messenger of G'd, Muhammed the Prophet, the prayers and the peace be on him.

Eventually, those who have been forced to meet in private will come into the public with their plan and recognition of their works. They are motivated by obedience to Allah, and they use privacy to protect their religious, social, and charitable interests until they are strong enough to present themselves publicly. Allah approves of this, but He does not approve of the secret organizations or their strategies.

This is yet another reason why it is necessary that our People have public voice and presence. We do not have any secret plan, though we may meet in private on occasion. Our plan is open and welcoming. We may meet in private from time-to-time out of necessity in the interest of paying the proper respect to our obligation to guard our works, and to guard our group spirit. This is wisdom, and it is regardfulness of duty toward Allah.

No true Muslim leader can lead in secret. This is why my leadership is known and public. All that I am doing and saying is public. Even as a prisoner I am more public in my efforts than most of those claiming mosque leadership and national leadership among our People. If I could make myself available in person at this moment I would. Recently, some major media People wanted to interview me here.

I did not pursue them. Their interest was their own, but the difficulty was in the process to see me, and it was so overwhelming until I just told them that I would meet them when I am free. Soon enough, when I am free, I will. And I will face down all of the impostors who have positioned themselves over our Life, and sit-down all those falsely claiming representation of Imam W. Deen Mohammed's Tradition and interpreting his teachings incorrectly. And I will do it with all of you as witnesses.

Those who have lied on our Life will be paying the price of their lies soon enough. Believe me, the reckoning is coming. The secret groups among us have online presences and initiate their members in various ways. They have attractive-sounding names and they use Imam W. Deen Mohammed's name too to make themselves look legitimate. Everyone is not welcome or approved for membership. You have to be initiated and tested.

They have appellations or coded names that are not their real names. They present themselves as if they have some special knowledge above the average one of us about our religion and Imam W. Deen Mohammed's teaching. They have been around in one form or another since the time of Mr. Fard and during the time of the Honorable Elijah Mohammed.

The so-called Five Percenters were spawned from secrecy and secret so-called knowledge, secret opposition to the Honorable Elijah Mohammed. I am not picking on them. The innocent ones in that group don't know of this. These young ones in the streets are trying to make sense of their lives. Those who are innocent and sincere among them are lovable people. They are looking to make sense of this world and their existence, and we who know our religion and this history have to help them where we can. We have to help the Moorish Science People too. we have to help the Nation of Islam members who seek us out too. And they are seeking me out now. They have been looking for our true leadership to help them as Imam W. Deen Mohammed helped them.

Those secret groups that exist among us now are similar in behavior to the 'Gnostics' of old. They are those who thought themselves to be freeing mankind from an oppressive, base, meaningless existence on earth imposed on them by G'd. They promise to free man from this oppressed state with a secret understanding or secret knowledge of the nature of Creation and the secrets of the origin of man and his destiny. They have a strange attraction to Imam W. Deen Mohammed's People. They call themselves Philosophical Societies and Logic Societies and Believers of the Triangle, and Study Societies, and so on. Some are more informal. They meet at public events and they know each other from secret winks and secret hand gestures. They are in plain sight, but their scheme is hidden.

If they see one of us as a potential recruit they want you to commit to x amount of years of intense studies under them to earn your status, and they charge a fee for their services - the fee is slavery to their idea of man and society, and life-long service. When you want a straight answer about what the Qur'an says or what the Prophet says or what the Imam says, they answer you with a coded diatribe. And if you swallow it then you are initiated on the first level -the level of the blind slave. Some of them are in the leadership of our People as Imams and have been there for a very long time. In fact, quite a number of the leaders are initiates into these groups.

They can be seen clearly by their strange, public behavior. They do not like the human being. They do not like the People, in general. They believe that mankind is a weak creation. If you were ever to get into a conversation with one of them they will let you know that they are looking for devotees, not freedom-fighters. They don't want you to have the spirit of liberation for the spirit, mind and heart. They have no use for the open-eyed obedient slave of G'd and the confident, humble follower of Muhammed. They want you to accept their initiation-techniques and pathways to their secret order of knowledge. Their interpretation of the teaching of Faith comes in a form that confuses and oppresses.

The most dangerous ones are those who do not want to be in public view. They take positions next to leaders or behind leaders. They present themselves as 'sincere advisors' and choose essential responsibilities like bookkeepers and even callers to prayer. They are, in truth, an abomination bound for the Hell-fire. When they see the true leaders of Faith, they greet them as if they have love and respect for them. And when they are with their secret fraternal order of falsehood they ask each other in a mocking way why Allah does not punish them if they are wrong. In their secrecy they openly mock Allah's Word and Prophet Muhammed's teaching.

In public, they offer critiques of Imam W. Deen Mohammed's teaching and interpretations that are unheard of, but in a heavily coded jargon and twist. Allah says in the Holy Qur'an that the secret groups exist to promote the interests of the Enemy of Man, the Shaytan. Make no mistake, their Imam is the Devil, and they adopt his strategies. Allah says that He does not oppress his creation, and that He does not accept oppression for them. He says that there is no secret counsel where He is not present. Whatever number they think they have, Allah is there.

These people cannot hide. And this message of concern is to let them know that the Allah has guided the Believers to recognize them, and that they are sensitive to their presence among us. We are sensitive to their attempts to re-direct us away from our Life and Tradition. We are sensitive to their subtleties. We are sensitive to their body-language and non-verbal communications. We are sensitive to their associates and initiates. We are sensitive to their scheme of naming institutions after Imam W. Deen Mohammed so they can use his name for their hidden pursuits. We are sensitive to their coded jargon, and the way they attempt to twist sacred Truth to serve their designs on human life and on our People. We are sensitive to their recruitment techniques. We are sensitive to their work-horse hide and seek schemes.

They want to appear as work-horses among us, so that we will miss them if they are exposed. They want us to be confused. They want us to say "Why is he attacking Brother Imam So and So. He is a hard worker." Yes, he is. A hard worker for falsehood. They all hide in language. This is where the blessed, sensitive, and astute ones can see them most clearly.

Their mark is laughing at sacred matters, trivializing obligations of Faith, making a mockery of true Islamic leadership in the world by changing the words and twisting the meanings of the Holy Qur'an and the Prophet's teachings, and the Imam's teachings. When the leader obeying Islamic teachings makes a criticism of something, it is supported by the Holy Qur'an and Prophet Muhammed's teaching. He or she cannot make that criticism outside of the identified principle of Faith and it be acceptable. It must be from and firmly centered in the sacred sources of knowledge. Believers do not guess, or wing it. If they don't know or don't understand, they say just that: "I don't know. Allah knows."

The secret groups change language, twists Truth, mix in their own corrupted logic so as to confuse the Muslim following. I have seen publications claiming to be Imam W. Deen Mohammed's teaching where the editors change his words ever so slightly to change the entire meaning of what the Imam is teaching or emphasizing. I saw in one publication where the editor of the publication wrote words in the publication as if they were Imam Mohammed's words. Imam W. Deen Mohammed did not see these books they publish in his name. Why don't these editors clearly say "this book is a verbatim transcript from Imam Mohammed's address on this date and this place." They don't do that because they don't want us to see where they have changed his words to fit their interests. They will pay a price for these evil actions, in this life or the next.

Someone will say, "Oh, some of these things are honest mistakes." Yes, if that is true then the persons who make them should come into the public and acknowledge the error and fix it. They never come forward. They leave the error. This is why under my leadership every single address or class Imam W. Deen Mohammed ever delivered or taught is made or will be made available to the public, without charge, unedited. This work will continue and books will be published that are his words, unedited, so that the generations that he wanted to reach will be reached without interference from someone else's mind. This is the role of his successor. I will protect it with my own life, and in the courts of this land if necessary.

I have devoted men and women with me. Imam Mohammed's work will not be corrupted by the hands of infiltrators, traitors, con-men, secret societies, or two-dollar pimps looking to prostitute the sacred treasury of our collective knowledge to the highest bidders. Don't you know that Imam W. Deen Mohammed's teaching is our collective knowledge as a People? It is our sacred treasury, more valuable than any riches anyone could offer us. It is what makes us a People!

If your local leaders are not teaching this or trying to understand this teaching, then something is terribly wrong. What kind of leader would I be if I wasn't committed to this? I call our People's attention to these secret groups, their schemes, and to not be fooled or victimized by them. We thank Allah. He has given us clarity of vision, certainty of knowledge, and strength of purpose to preach this to the world of innocent people that are asking for it. And to guard it for the best use of our People. Praise be to Allah, Lord of all the Systems of Knowledge.